High Scores

The table of the fastest typists for the last few days, arranged by their scores from best to worst. Typing score is measured from typing speed, text length, the number of different characters in the text, and the number of errors. The formula is designed in such a way to reward for a faster speed, longer text and a larger alphabet, but to punish for the number of errors.

#UserLayoutTyping SpeedScore
1RSRenewed SquirrelEnglish/Colemak-DH (ANSI)136wpm / 680cpm116,917
2ETElated TroutEnglish/United States111wpm / 555cpm116,087
3IGItalian GalliformEnglish/United States109wpm / 544cpm113,883
4User imageVictor Billette de VillemeurFrench/France112wpm / 561cpm99,831
5JGJudicial GrasshopperEnglish/United States99wpm / 494cpm97,411
6AasulhaeclipseEnglish/United States96wpm / 481cpm96,183
7User imageTrey WilkinsonEnglish/United States101wpm / 506cpm91,539
8ACApplicable ChickadeeEnglish/United States79wpm / 395cpm90,320
9QMQualified MastodonEnglish/United States118wpm / 591cpm90,087
10PSPoor StarfishEnglish/United States87wpm / 437cpm89,669
11Ttab4English/United States83wpm / 415cpm88,848
12SSStable SilverfishEnglish/United States165wpm / 823cpm88,565
13VVValid VicunaEnglish/United States78wpm / 390cpm87,347
14IidealvilliEnglish/United States121wpm / 603cpm87,095
15HDHidden DolphinEnglish/United States98wpm / 492cpm85,474
16User imageStephen Carder (Stafngrimr)English/United Kingdom91wpm / 457cpm84,832
17ELExtraordinary LoonEnglish/Dvorak83wpm / 416cpm84,771
18CMChief MammalEnglish/United States87wpm / 435cpm84,212
19GXGreat XerinaeEnglish/United States82wpm / 411cpm83,706
20FNFit NewtEnglish/United States91wpm / 457cpm82,519